Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jeanne D'Arc at the Sacre Coeur, Paris

Montmartre is the tallest hill in Paris, and after the Eiffel Tower it is the tallest place in Paris. The statue of Joan of Arc - standing gallantly in front of the glowing basilica - contrasted beautifully against the twilight sky where I could see her from afar. She makes the photo for me, bringing a human touch to the grandeur. If Joan of Arc were alive today she would be leading us all to understand the importance of climate change.She would have been on the front lines of this issue, I am sure of it. Even though I am American, for some reason Joan of Arc is a powerful inspiration to me. Here she is, in front of the magnificent Sacre Coeur, overlooking one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

Quand j'ai fait cette photo je ne savais pas que la statue equestrienne etait Jeanne D'Arc, une de mes heroines, mais lorsque j'ai recherche' sur l'internet, j'ai ete heureusement surprise de l'apprendre. Si elle etait toujours avec nous je suis persuade' qu'elle nous guiderait au sujet de notre peril contemporain, le changement du temps, et qu'elle serait la premiere a nous inspirer a changer nos habitudes pour que nos enfants et leurs enfants ne souffrent pas trop.