Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Notre Dame at Twilight, Paris

Notre Dame is one of my favorite places of Paris. When I lived there years ago I used to go inside to sit down and enjoy the cool darkness and the quiet. Recently when I visit Paris, I still visit Notre Dame at least once, to go listen to the soprano singing vespers and just to Be there. It has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with the amazing beauty of this structure, and the energy there that has grown over the centuries as people of all faiths and walks of life have gone inside to connect with something ineffable but tangible, and greater than themselves. Just a fantastic space!! And if you have a chance to be there around 5:30 or 6:00 PM sit down and wait for the soprano to come sing solo accompanied by the organ, and let the sound wash through you. It is exquisitely beautiful....although I don't understand the Latin words, the feeling is so very very sincere and moving. Wondrous!

Little secret for those of you who love to find the golden treasures from the angels: look for the little chapel of La Vierge de Lourdes. It's inside along the north wall, near the entrance. Stay there a long while very quietly and watch the candles and the statue, and see what happens. Millions have prayed there. It is a mindspace of gossamer energy that soaks your soul in radiance. It knocked my socks off. And I left the cathedral with eyes of Wonder.

[Tout simplement dit, j'adore Notre Dame. Un de mes lieux preferes a Paris, j'y retourne chaque fois que j'ai l'occasion de visiter Paris. Et la derniere fois que j'y etais, je me suis trouvee devant la chapelle de la Vierge de Lourdes, tout tranquilement pendant longtemps. Le passe' - le present - et le future s'effondraient ensemble .... le temps passait et le temps ne passait pas. Dificile de m'arracher de cette orbe d'energie bienfaisante. Quand je suis sortie de la Cathdrale, je me suis sentie changee. Dans notre age de materialism regie par la Raison, il est heureusement toujours possible d'etre touche' par les Anges. Ils sont tres tres pres. On doit simplement laisse' la porte ouverte.]