Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Duomo di Milano

Duomo di Milano, originally uploaded by Edgar González.

El Duomo di Milano es una catedral (Duomo) gótica emplazada en la ciudad de Milán. El Duomo de Milán es la segunda catedral católica romana más grande del mundo: únicamente la catedral de Sevilla es mayor (igual que la basílica de San Pedro en Roma, que no es catedral). Tiene 157 metros de largo y puede albergar 40.000 personas dentro. Las ventanas mayores del coro tiene la reputación de ser las mayores del mundo. Duomo di Milano, Milano, Italia

In English

The Duomo I gave Milan is a cathedral (Duomo) gothic located in the city of Milan. The Duomo of Milan is the second greater Roman catholic cathedral of the world: the cathedral of Seville is solely greater (just as the basilica of San Pedro in Rome, that is not cathedral). It has 157 meters in length and it can shelter 40,000 people inside. The windows majors of the choir have the reputation of being the majors of the world. Duomo I gave Milan, Milan, Italy