Monday, May 19, 2008


Madrid, originally uploaded by Memo Vasquez.

Llegué a Madrid una mañana nublada de octubre. De ahí subiría al norte para iniciar el Camino. Mi segunda visita a la capital española y algunos recuerdos no tan gratos del estilo particularmente hosco de los madrileños (con todo respeto). Y entonces al salir del aeropuerto, encontré una cara desconocida que me era completamente conocida. Era Víctor Nuño cámara en mano. Gracias, Peregrino. Por tu ayuda y tu amistad. Por tu consejo y por la lámpara y por el impermeable. Me ofreciste valiosas armas para luego, aún lleno de incertidumbre, emprender mi viaje en aparente soledad. Cuando me acompañaste al autobús, me dijiste: -Buen Camino, Peregrino.
Y ahí, entonces, supe que lo era.

In English

I arrived at Madrid a cloudy morning of October. Of it would raise the north there to initiate the Way. My second visit to the Spanish capital and some memories not so pleasing of the particularly sullen style of the Madrilenians (yet respect). And then when leaving the airport, I found a face not known that she was to me completely well-known. He was Victor Nuño camera in hand. Thanks, Pilgrim. By your aid and your friendship. By your advice and the lamp and the raincoat. You offered valuable arms to me for then, still full of uncertainty, to undertake my trip in apparent solitude. You accompanied when me to the bus, you said to me: - Good Way, Pilgrim. And there, then, I knew that it was it.